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Comprehensive Special Education Advocacy and Consultation


To provide families with the confidence, knowledge, and understanding to effectively advocate for their children to ensure they reach their full potential academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally. 

Rationale for Consultation

Special Education is a complex system of federal, state, local laws, policies, and regulations. It is difficult for families to navigate not only the laws but also the process by which schools implement legislation. Special Education Consultants assist families in navigating these systems, acting as a liaison between the family and school to ensure that students receive the mandated supports and services required for academic, social, and emotional development. 

My Role 

A Special Education Consultant empowers families and provides a voice for the student. My role as your consultant may include: interpreting evaluations and the implications, drafting requests, or complaints, assisting you with written requests, preparing you for a Parent Pupil Team meeting or 504 accommodation meetings, reviewing special education documents for accuracy and completion prior to and after meetings, accompanying you to meetings and advising you about the strength of your case if seeking outside legal counsel.




Ebb and Flow Educational Consulting, LLC supports the parents of children
with complex educational and developmental needs as they
navigate the ebb and flow of their educational path.


Working with Ebb and Flow will allow parents to quickly
focus on their child's needs and determine how to access the best
resources to advocate for those needs.

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